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Planning Board Minutes 6/14/07
Minutes from June 14, 2007 meeting.

Present: Cindy Hoogs, Brian Puntin, Laurily Epstein, Maggie Leonard, Alan Salamon

Meeting opened at 7:02 pm.

Attorney David Lazan was present to submit a Form A ANR plan for Philip Simkowitz and Lorraine E. Wolf, Main Road, Monterey. The property is located new the east end of Stevens Lake Road.  We informed Mr. Lazan to file a copy of the Form A with the Town Clerk. Maggie made a motion to approve the plan, and Brian seconded. All in favor.

No one had a copy of the minutes that Jason had circulated by e-mail a week ago, so we could not approve them.

The board talked briefly about the Common Drive bylaw.  Cindy volunteered to do another draft for next meeting.

Cindy also noted that she may not be able to attend the June 28th meeting. Brian said that he would be available to chair the meeting.  Cindy will also be away the second Thursday in July on vacation and Brian again said that he would chair that meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Cynthia T. Hoogs